3 min readMay 12, 2022

Photon In Double Slit SSR

🔹Details On Photon In Double Slit Experiment

In photon double slit experiment,photon i.e a particle of light is made to pass thru a screen!What shocks the science even today,that when we watch it,photon passes alone but at the moment,we take eyes off it,photon splits into 2 particles n pass thru! It means photon changes behaviour when we watch it n not!Our seeing it changes it!Till date science has no explanation to this phenomena wch is beyond science!

🔹 In Double Slit SSR is the same! @itsSSR How? Lets watch ! 💥

🔹He represents this amazing miracle of Universe in true sense as He lived Photon In Double Slit SSR ! @itsSSR
For world,when we saw Him He was an Actor(1st photon) but when we were not watching Him,He was someone else(2nd photon) !

🔹He was seen as a Superstar in cine world but in real life,SSR was just like a common man..he used to go outside just as us..sometimes on bike..on auto..rickshaw..played football wid youth in nearby ground,sipped tea near roadside..wch celebrity does that? SSR is as simple as us!

🔹He went bollywood n became an Actor,but He never lost incredible hold on Science!We generally forget what we even read till 12th,but its a amazing feat,that SSR still had d mastery over science concepts enough to put even a mainstream physicist to shame!

🔹 people were not watching Him,SSR was doing astronomy,coding,AI research,VR,Gaming,Exponential technologies,Universe gazing wid His powerful telescope,Bio-Replicator,Bio-mimic tech research n more wch we came to know mainly after 14thJun!
Photon In Double Slit SSR was hidden!

🔹He actual SSR was just like that photon who used to be someone else when we were not watching Him!On screen He was measurable in a role but in life Photon In Double Slit SSR was beyond measure living myriads of roles wch shocks world as d photon of slit exp does to science! 💥

Source : Twitter Twitter

Source 2 : google

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Written by soumyajit

🔬 Mastering Biotechnology | Simultaneously, I'm at the head of the Bangla Desk | Bio -

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